Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rough Work

I picked up another book of Frazetta's art titled "Rough Work." Its a collection of his roughs, thumbnails and sketches. Its a nice companion book to, "Icon," which contains finished Frazetta pieces. Its very informative to look at the roughs of the covers for works like "Conan the Usurper" and then go to the finished piece in "Icon." I love seeing the progression from concept to completion. This particular piece is a study in adding tension and immediacy to a painting. I also like seeing the rough sketches of those larger than life figures that he's made into such a trademark style.

This the third Frazetta book that I've added to my collection. The other being "The Frazetta Pillow Book" (Which I picked up for a mere five bucks!). I really enjoy Frazetta's work. There's a lot to enjoy and to learn from. I recommend adding "Rough Work" to your library.

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